Kulasai Dussehra 2023

Kulasekharapatnam aka Kulasai, a small coastal village on the east coast of India, holds the second position for the famous Dussehra festivities after Mysore. The town was named in the era of King Kulasekarapandian, as the story goes the king had an auspicious sighting of the Goddess Mutharamman, leading to…

A decade in startups - My Journey so far πŸ€™

My parents served in government institutions until retirement. That meant their only expectation of me was to have a stable, safe, and secure full-time job. My first job was in a UK-based HR technology company. We were implementing HR systems for Fortune 500 companies in the UK, the US, and…

My next startup ⏫

It's been 3 years since I shut my previous venture-funded startup in the events tech space. After three years of traveling across India and living in my hometown, Kanyakumari I have realized a few things about myself. * I love being in the nature πŸŒŠβ›°οΈ * I love to build startups. Not necessarily…

41 days of hiking Marunthuvazh Malai πŸ™

Not sure if I have done anything so consistently as hiking the Marunthuvazh Malai - The last hill of India. As I publish this blog, I completed my second attempt at consecutively hiking this hill for 41 days. Ever grateful to be able to do this. The walk up the…

The fish story 🐟

It was February 2019. I along with a dear friend went on a trip to Thailand. Koh Samui to be specific. This was my longest holiday after 7 years. The previous being Srilanka in 2012. Obviously, I don't relate to this Sabin anymore πŸ˜‰ This trip was phenomenal in a lot…