Bhoota Kola

Bhoota Kola

For no particular reason, I traveled to Varanashi Organic Farms in the southwestern parts of Karnataka. It's closer to Kerala and hence a fusion of culture, food, and people is clearly evident. Fell in love with the place and ended up staying there for 3 weeks. The stillness at the farm, the simple food, the people, the stories, and the swim training was all I wanted. Days were packed. I was running around but in complete acceptance. Just when I was about to leave I heard about Boota kola also known as Būta Kōlā or Deiva Kola.

With no expectations, I along with a few other volunteers, who had come to the farm went to visit the festival. During the Boota kola, the community gets together to pray to the gods and spirits for their blessings, prosperity, and peace from all issues surrounding them. About 150 people were in attendance. The Boota Kola we attended was organized by Ramkumar for his housewarming ceremony. About 100+ people were in attendance at around 830PM. Dinner was being served, the Boota kola artists were getting ready for the night. A typical Boota Kola night runs through the night till about 4 AM with food being served through the night. When I say food, it is an extravagant menu. Different types of rice, bread, curries, fruits, and of course the payasam (a dessert made of milk, jaggery, vermicelli..etc)

At around 830PM the villagers started to gather to witness the Boota Kola

Boota Kola is performed by a troop of 30 to 50 people. There are many troops across Dakshin Kannada that can be hired for this. The performances are done by trained professionals who go from one place to another in groups. The group is a company on wheels. It has musicians, makeup artists, tailors, stockists, cooks, helpers, and a manager. During the season time, the troops stay together for about 4 months traveling to different parts and performing.

It is believed that a trained individual performing Boota Kola momentarily transforms into a higher state. These performers go through a strict process for months in preparation for the Boota Kola season. The individualism of the performer along with the unusually styled costumes, makeup, music, and sound made by the performer at some point puts the performer in an elevated state of mind like he is in some sort of trance. A world of his own. During this time, it is said that the performers also communicate with select people on solutions to their problems. Just like what would happen if you actually met a god. Maintaining the body, and mind and also practicing a well-disciplined routine/sadhana to attain such elevated states is the duty of the performer throughout his life.

Considering, I had to leave the next day for a long drive, I couldn't stay through the night for the festival. The festival runs till 6 am but I cut it short with a heavy heart only hoping I visit this magic festival sometime again. A summary video of a few performances is below, every time I watch it, it takes me back to that state of nothingness. Just staring deep at the performers. Thank you 🧡🙏