A collection of links to articles, blogs, books, and podcasts that had a significant impact on the way I lead my life. As I continue to live, this list will grow...
- Sadhguru - All his videos and a few books (Inner Engineering, Himalayan Lust, Adiyogi - The source of yoga)
- Sri M - His videos and a few books (On Meditation, Apprenticed to a Himalayan master - A yogi's Autobiography)
- Naval Ravikant - All his talks and articles about startups and life (blog)
- Farnam Street podcast - https://bit.ly/3QHdMVu
- Be water my friend - The teachings of BruceLee by his daughter Shannon Lee
- Books - Good to Great, Zappos, Hooked by Nir Eyal
- Paul Graham - https://bit.ly/3SjHKAr
- Simon Sinek - https://bit.ly/3eNd106
- The Immortals of Meluha - https://amzn.to/3WiZ2jE
- The Alchemist - https://amzn.to/3Ufq9KQ